Want to break out of context of the algorithm & have an original thought? Get the fuckkk off your phone.
Creating > consuming. How to let go & tap into your natural creative wisdom.
Yesterday I came across a particularly engrossing substack that hits on the ever invasive, ever cringe-worthy* group think culture of the internet. This culture has stripped us from our innate creative wisdom, curiosity, and taste as we notice trends & algorithms are breeding us into different (yet, almost indistinguishable) versions of the same font.
*my definition of cringe involves conforming, copy/pasting inspiration, consuming > creating etc…
We’re witnessing the effects of AI-driven intellectual laziness more clearly than ever. Those passionate about originality and innovation frequently sense that we're missing the depth and resonance of truly meaningful experiences both on and offline.
Yet, we still can’t find the time and effort required to generate & share our own truly creative ideas. We allow our egos to get in the way. We scroll. We indulge. We compare. We complain. We consume.
“Just as long as I've got my ego and it tells me I'm superior I could probably go a lifetime being barely mediocre.” Infinity Song
& so, we find ourselves collectively craving, needing, desiring something- anything different.
Because at the end of the day, what we realllly desire is to CREATE over consume. To create from a place of boundless potential, an inner magic. To come to profound inner realizations & imagine new worlds. To have fun again.
The fun is in the creating, not the consuming.
But we need to be clear in order to tap into our creative wisdom.
The Creative Source of original thought is in the ether. Out in space, accessed through the subconscious mind. Original ideas do not yet exist in physical form. They have yet to be displayed to the public.
Recommended reading: The Law of Success, The Creative Act, The Secret of the Ages, The Psychology of The Unconscious, Being and Nothingness, The Silva Mind Control Method
So how do we tap in to the Creative Source, entirely for free & as soon as today? Simply:
Regulate your nervous system - calm the body, nourish the body.
Get outside.
Quiet your mind.
Let go of expectation & identity.
Breathe & tune into your body & higher mind.
That’s it.
The beauty of the Creative Ether is that it will deliver you your project, your creative download, your new idea - but only when you get quiet and clear. When you surrender to it. And when you connect to Nature- the larger vivaciously alive organism of which all of CREATIVE LIFE is apart.
I encourage you to complete my 10 day challenge - break out of the context of the algorithm and into your own unique Creative GENIUS.
Ironically, most of my resources will be accessed via your smart phone, but a social media detox really beautifully accompanies the following.
Days 1-10: Spend 5 minutes of everyday mindfully breathing under the sun, alone. If you can’t get 5 minutes in, try 1 minute or 30 seconds. If you can get about 1 hour in, that is ideal. Completely unplug, detach & empty the mind. If you prefer a guided experience, try one of the following breathing exercises or meditations. Shoot for the longest amount of uninterrupted time each day and set an intention of clearing, emptying. If you do nothing else for 10 days, do this.
1 minute (box breathing), 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour
Day 1: Write a journal entry answering the following questions about your identity:
Where do you look for inspiration and why? Is it out of convenience? Habit? Lack of knowledge? When was the last time you felt genuinely creatively stimulated and inspired - to the point that you felt inclined to create something? Where were you, what did you eat that day, how much sleep did you get, who were you with, what was your mindset entering the moment?
Identify your limiting beliefs around self expression - what do you feel you need to show up as? Who do you dream you could show up as? Do you tend to reject your natural self?
Day 2: Balance your Chakras (your energy body). Practice deep and mindful breathing as you attune to each Chakra from Root to Crown.
Recommended listening: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour
Day 3: Listen to one of the below affirmation tapes and write down each word as he speaks. Listen to the whole tape & then read them aloud to yourself once written.
Recommended listening: All Obstacles Removed, Skill Development & Mastery, I Always Get What I Want, Artist Vibes
Day 4: Play my paint chip game. For more creative games, see here.
Paint Chip Game: Go to your nearest paint store and set a timer for 10 minutes or less (you choose) and select as many paint chips as appeal to your point of view in the moment. Practice non-hesitation. Reach for what the body naturally reaches for. When your timer is up, leave the store and leave the paint chips in view on a countertop you see daily (leave them there for at least three days, take note of any new creative ideas that have been sparked).
Day 5: Visit your local library and rent an Art or Design Book (or tape, do they still do this?)- or anything that has been appealing your curiosity. Maybe it’s anthropology, sociology, space, the ocean, Greek Mythology, Emily Dickinson, creating wealth. Carve out 30 minutes to explore your subject. Read miscellaneous pages & chapters. Just go with the flow.
Recommended listening: How to Read More Books
Day 6: Be vulnerable with a stranger. That’s it, no rules or limits. For more creative games, see here.
Day 7: Dance/ Somatic Shaking. You can also practice my Dancing Games. Dance requires you to engage with your environment and surroundings through your physical and energy bodies, less mind. When heart lead, it can connect you to your higher self and open the floodgates of tons of creative downloads. Somatic dancing tunes us into the body and allows us to release blockages and tensions it may be holding.
Recommended shaking: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes
Day 8: Take yourself on an Artist’s Date. From the Artist’s Way, these dates should be taken solo in pursuit of fun and relaxation. They typically last from 1-2 hours and are self-guided playdates essentially.
Recommended reading: Why You Should Go on Weekly Artist Dates [46 Ideas], The Artist’s Way
Day 9: Create your ideal daily practice that hits the following categories, which you can focus on for just 1-5 minutes per day:
Physical care/movement 2. Spiritual practice 3. Shadow play 4. Learning 5. Energy practice.
My current daily practice:
AM: 5 min breathwork (spiritual & energy practice), Stream of Consciousness Journaling (shadow play), Vinyasa Yoga (movement)
PM: Kundalini meditation (energy practice), Reading (learning), Prayer (spiritual practice)
Day 10: Completely unplug. Turn off every single digital device for the entire day (or at the longest time frame for what is feasible for you).
An open mind is a clear channel for abundance, love, creation, and fun.
Let me know how it goes!!
This is a gem❤️
When social media and iPhone were first introduced, they thought it would make us more connected than ever. Instead, the new technology has made us more disconnected and thinking the same things. This is a good list to disconnect from technology and connect to the real world.