Break out of the context of the algorithm & have an original thought, PART 2: The sacred power in routine.
Tapping into flow by finding pleasure in discipline.
Hello hello,
Hope you're having a beautiful start to the weekend. Today, routines are on the mind which inspired this part 2 of my 10-Day Breakout of the Algorithm Challenge.
In case you missed it, I discussed how our phone addiction distracts us from what we truly desire, creation over consumption. I gave you methods to step away from your screen & reset your mind & body, boost creativity, and feel the clarity you didn’t realize you needed.
Check it out:
I think what made this challenge so compelling for readers was that it ignited curiosity and highlighted the power of somatics & how they can inspire the profound experience of existing beyond the mind. This realm is not only possible but deeply pleasurable & highly conducive to our creativity.
What initially inspired that challenge & post in the first place was the sheer momentum of my own creative flow.
Flow is a state of being, one that is even more elusive than it seems. It requires surrender, and paradoxically, surrender sometimes demands action.
But- I’m not referring to action in the form of overthinking, over-analysis, & forcing - which are all energy sucks and completely counterproductive to the very goals we wish to realize. Instead, it’s about releasing the pent-up energy, emotions, and stagnation stored in the body. When we do this, we enter a flow state naturally & effortlessly, while freeing up mind space for receiving, not generating good ideas.
Some of the most effective ways to achieve this include:
✔ Spiritual Practice (meditation, journaling, mindfulness)
✔ Learning (reading, skill-building, intellectual expansion)
✔ Physical Movement (exercise, stretching, embodiment practices)
✔ Energy Work (breathwork, grounding, nervous system regulation)
✔ Shadow Play (self-reflection, inner dialogue, subconscious work)
Each of these elements is intentionally woven into my daily routines (by the suggestion of my amazing mentor) so I can tap into flow without strenuous effort- just consistent focus. I touched on this a bit in the OG challenge (day #9) - but in truth this practice deserves further attention.
Part 2 of the Challenge today is less a sprint and more a marathon because, I’m breaking down how I integrate each of these practices every morning and guiding you in crafting your own alchemizing routines, designed to help you feel into your highest potential & state of being every day.
But first realllly quickly, let’s address a word that often carries an unfairly negative connotation.
For much of my life, I resisted discipline. I avoided what felt difficult or uncomfortable, equating the concept with rigidity and even self-betrayal. Why force myself to do something I was instinctively repelled by?
But I’ve come to understand that discipline isn’t the enemy. It’s not hyper-masculine propaganda meant to make me feel inadequate. It’s in fact the opposite. It can be fluid. It can be rooted in pleasure.
It comes down to accepting this simple truth: you cannot reach your goals without momentum, consistency, & commitment.
Rome was not built in a day.
And achieving your goals FEELS GOOD!
Take the emotion out of it. Structure, routines, and discipline serve as gentle reminders of what we need to do to stay on track.
The gifts of discipline through consistent routines:
✔ Routines get easier & more enjoyable over time. I craveeee the feeling of completing my routine, not because I feel “accomplished” but because I feel clear in my body, mind, & spirit. Because the routine WORKS! Because it makes me feel SOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
✔ We have the freedom to adapt and iterate as we evolve. We are adults (I think. & although hopefully still children at heart). We make our own rules & decisions. You can set parameters around your disciplines. Outline your non-negotiables AND the ways in which you will allow yourself flexibility. For example, I have a MVP (minimum viable product) version for each of my routines, so I can take the long or short route depending on how I’m feeling or where I am on any given morning. But every day I do some version of it. Non-negotiable.
✔ We get BETTER! To paraphrase Ryan Holiday, “doing the work works”. I’ve only gotten hotter, richer, & more confident since developing these routines & my discipline.
✔ Routines breed self-trust. The more consistently you show up for yourself, the more you build trust in your ability to follow through. You stop doubting yourself.
✔ They anchor us in a chaotic world. In a world full of distractions, routines serve as our steady foundation. They help us reclaim our time and energy, providing stability no matter what’s going on around us.
A few ways to reframe discipline in your mind:
✔ GAMEIFY IT. Example: Assign points to each task based on difficulty or importance. The more challenging the task, the higher the points. Or imagine yourself as a superhero and each task is a “mission” you must complete to save the day.
✔ RITUALIZE IT. Burn some palo santo. Throw on your sexiest silkiest robe. Indulge in a high grade matcha to sip on throughout.
✔ POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT. Each day you wake up 1 hour earlier to complete your routine (or 15 mins, 5 mins, whatever parameter you set) = 1 marble in the jar that once filled leads you to book a vacation.
✔ BRAGGING RIGHTS. Tell everyone about how hot & focused you are.
✔ VISUALIZE THE OUTCOME. When you feel resistant, take a few seconds to visualize the outcome you’re working toward. Seeing the end result can make the effort feel more purposeful and rewarding.
Ok time to dive into my AM situation & then build your own sacred routine(s). LFG.
A few months ago, I was interviewed by
and shared a version of my morning routine which I’ve since refined.Here’s the updated breakdown:
Make coffee while listening to Dylan James’ subconscious reprogramming affirmations.
Target: Shadow Play. Reprogramming limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious.
Written morning prayer. I bless the day, I bless myself, my loved ones, the world & all of its creatures. I say thank you to God!!
Moment of silence to clear the mind & feel the aliveness of the morning.
Target: Spiritual Practice. Surrendering to the natural way & feeling immense gratitude.
Studying the Bhagavad Gita with Swami Tadatmananda. Unpacking the history & his interpretation of the text and learning a tiny bit of Sanskrit.
Targets: Spiritual Practice & Learning. Opening myself up to new concepts & teachings of God, life, & creation.
Movement. I start with 30-50 minutes of mat pilates with Move with Nicole.
Then I move to the gem of the routine, no pun intended, Kundalini Yoga with Yogi Gems. Kundalini Yoga is the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving- rapid arm movements & breathwork combine to release stagnant energies & emotions while grounding and centering the mind & body.
Targets: Movement, Spiritual Practice, & Energy Work.
Super slow & high maintenance pampering shower time. I indulge in all of my favorites- Osea Malibu’s whole body line (use code tctm10 for 10% off) + I rotate between my high frequency wand, LED light mask, Nuface & guasha for a morning facial treatment while listening to something stimulating like a book or energizing music.
Targets: Hygiene, learning, & play.
Start work! I have a whole ass work routine (+ post-work & evening routine) that I will share soon, but as of late I’ve been starting the day with Courtney’s Sunrise Content Challenge which is a productivity game changer for content creators like moi.
Targets: Building my dream life & work.
Why it works:
Routines that encompass these 5 pillars create a solid foundation for growth, systematically aligning your mind, body, and spirit to support continuous transformation and self-mastery. Spiritual practice gives you clarity and a sense of purpose, helping you focus on what truly matters & reminding you of God’s abundant love. Learning keeps you evolving, expanding your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Movement grounds & nurtures the body, creating momentum and breaking through stuckness. Energy work clears emotional and mental blockages. Finally, shadow play brings awareness to the parts of yourself that have been neglected, helping you integrate them into a more complete, understanding, compassionate version of self.
Practice Ideas: Examples of practices to help you build your routine(s).
✔ Spiritual Practice: saying a prayer over your food, being silent in nature, sun salutations, writing a daily intention, calling your mom, taking a shower.
✔ Learning: listening to a podcast, listening intently in conversation, listening to song lyrics, reading (could be as much as 1 chapter or sentence per day), taking a Masterclass, piano lessons, duo lingo!
✔ Physical Movement: a long walk in nature, 100 jumping jacks (my MVP workout), solo ecstatic dance party, lift heavy stuff, run around, wrestle someone.
✔ Energy Work: breathwork, somatic shaking/ dancing, screaming, Reiki, Chakra balancing visualization, EFT tapping.
✔ Shadow Play: Stream of consciousness journaling (a la The Artist’s Way), drawing, mirror work.
Tips on building your own:
Start small. Just 5 minutes of focused effort in each category is enough to spark momentum and create progress.
Diversify throughout the day. You don’t have to tackle everything in one go, spread it out if that means you get it all done.
Create an MVP option. Have 1 or many version lengths of your routine that you can rely on during tough days, when time is tight, or when you’re on the move (for ex: I shorten my morning prayer from one page to one or two sentences, instead of a 40 minute hour workout I do 100 jumping jacks).
Stay flexible. It’s okay to adjust based on what you need in the moment, your routine should support you & be done in the pursuit of pleasure, not stress you out.
Track your progress. Keep a simple log or reflection journal to monitor what’s working, where you feel resistance, and where you’ve grown.
If you need a kick in the a$$:
I am beta-testing a new service designed for self-improvement & routine building. I’ll help you craft specific routines completely bespoke to your goals & serve as your accountability partner with daily check-ins.
For my first 3 clients, I am offering a super premium price. Click below to secure your spot.
Thank you sooo much for reading!! Happy routining.